Create Your First Chart with pyG2 ==================================== Installation ------------- ``pip install pyG2`` pyG2 only supports jupyter notebook. (Jupyterlab and Colab is not still supported.) * Open jupyter notebook and create a new notebook file. * Import G2 module:: from pyG2 import G2 * Prepare the data set (Details of several cars from *mtcars* dataset):: data =[ {'name': 'Mazda RX4', 'mpg': 21.0, 'cyl': 6}, {'name': 'Mazda RX4 Wag', 'mpg': 21.0, 'cyl': 6}, {'name': 'Datsun 710', 'mpg': 22.8, 'cyl': 4}, {'name': 'Hornet 4 Drive', 'mpg': 21.4, 'cyl': 6}, {'name': 'Hornet Sportabout', 'mpg': 18.7, 'cyl': 8}, {'name': 'Valiant', 'mpg': 18.1, 'cyl': 6}, {'name': 'Duster 360', 'mpg': 14.3, 'cyl': 8}, {'name': 'Merc 240D', 'mpg': 24.4, 'cyl': 4}, {'name': 'Merc 230', 'mpg': 22.8, 'cyl': 4}, {'name': 'Merc 280', 'mpg': 19.2, 'cyl': 6} ] * Create the chart (Number of cylinders of each car):: chart = G2.Chart(height=500,width=900) chart.interval().position('name*cyl') chart.render() Output: .. image:: first.png Explaination of code ---------------------- ``G2.Chart()`` generates a chart object which holds details of the chart. Height and weight are optional. (Default is 500pt, 400pt). ```` provides data to the chart. There are two supported data formats: list of dictionaries as in the example or pandas.DataFrame. (Latter is recommended.) ``chart.interval().position('name*cyl')`` specifies geometry and aesthetics of the chart. ``'name*cyl'`` is the map that is represented in the chart. It is represented as a position. We choose interval geometry (bars) to visualize the chart. ``chart.render()`` renders the chart to the notebook output. Try Other Geometries ---------------------- Use this code to generate a line chart:: chart = G2.Chart(height=500,width=900) chart.line().position('name*cyl') chart.render() Output: .. image:: first_line.png Try ``area``, ``point`` plots. **Hint: Change** ``line`` **in above code to these words.** Multiple plots --------------- We shall create two graphs in one chart. #. Name vs. Miles for Galon (mpg) : line #. Name vs. No. of Cylinders (cyl) : interval (bar) code:: chart = G2.Chart(height=500,width=900) chart.line().position('name*cyl') chart.interval().position('name*mpg') chart.render() Output: .. image:: first_multi.png **Read our tutorials to learn how to generate various types of charts** **Special Note:** If graphs are not visible when the notebook reloads, restart the kernal and run the code again.